Saturday 18 January 2014

Feedback from original Film Pitch and Amended Film Pitch

This shows our feedback from  fellow AS media students , they've left "WWW's (What Went Well's)" on our Film pitch and "EBI'S (Even Better If's)" for us to construct  improvements   to our film  pitch.

This is part two of the film pitch, the new and improved. From the feedback of our previous film pitch, we saw what our peers liked about our ideas and what they thought we could change to make it better. We took on bored what our peers said and we used there feedback to construct even better ideas to improve our film pitch as a whole. One of our peers advised us to use less difficult props, such as the tent, but this was no problem and we didn't need to change that idea as we already had this prop covered. Also the same feedback about having a more detailed ending came up two or three times so we added more to the ending so them improvements were made.

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