Friday 31 January 2014

Shot list for Horror title

This is the shotlist for our our horror title which provides us with each location of each shot, the action in each shot and also what dialogue is going to be said in each shot. 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

4x Idents Warner Brothers, Walt Disney, Lionsgate (2013), Lionsgate Horror.

This is the Warner Brothers Ident which is 17 seconds long. Its a pretty simple Ident compared to other indents from other film productions, the camera seems to be going through a gold haze showing a number of warehouses. 7 seconds into the ident the Warner Brothers logo is shown clear, it swerves into eye view of the audience. For a good 5 seconds the logo sits there while a animated baby blue clear sky background appears showing fluffy clouds gliding across the sky at minimal speed.

The beginning of the ident of the warehouses might suggest the Warner Brothers past, how they came from a working class family and have made it to multi millionaires from there film production line. The city where them warehouse are located could be even the town the brothers grew up in. The colour gold connotes richness, power and high status, which the brothers are trying to demonstrate from there logo. Also the logo being high up in the clouds far above land, also implies the high status of the company and stating there the best, no one else higher than them.

This second Ident is from Walt Disney in total it lasts for 16 seconds, this Ident is played before all Disney films so its targeting its films audience which is young children. Also many Disney films are based on princesses that live in castles, which the main image which is seen in this Ident is of a castle. In the first 3 seconds its a plain black screen, which in cinemas would cause excitement for its target audience, as the children would know the film is about to begin as the screen goes black. After the black screen the screen turns a dark navvy blue then the famous Walt Disney Logo starts to appear in in a white glowing light, it takes 4 seconds for the whole castle to appear, with a quick beam of light that disappears leaving the writing 'Walt Disney Pictures' in a fancy curly font. After a shooting star shoots over the castle.

Thirdly this new and improved Lionsgate Ident which was produced in 2013, lasts for 23 seconds which is slightly longer than most indents from other production companies.  It begins with a pitch black screen then 2 seconds in theres a beam of light which shines throughout the darkness then speedily glides throughout space showing earth then shows the entire galaxy passing through stars and planets. Then big bold letters showing the word Lionsgate appears out of no where with a star like shadow behind beaming through the middle. The star again which is common in a lot of other production companies Idents, could be connoting the importance of there company and there work. Also the Lionsgate word doesn't appear in the Ident until half way through the clip, far out in the galaxy, perhaps intending to show the audience there hard to reach, as in there hard to beat as there so brilliant. From the point where the production companys name appears its there throughout the rest of the clip till the end, which is 10 seconds from where it first appears, as the Ident is purposely advertising/promoting there company name there intending to show there name for as long as possible.

This is also a Lionsgate Ident which is only for their horror genre type films. The actual Horror Ident doesn't begin till 8 seconds in, although the clip looks like the parts of inside a clock with the machinery dial type objects, its got a non-digetic sound over the top which is very airy and spooky. The red smokey effect in the background makes it that little bit more scary as the colour red connotes blood/death/horror which is quite known from various audiences. The camera looks as if its came throughout the key hole of the big iron gates which actually have two symbols of lions, which you see clearly before the gates open fully. The Lions obviously go with the companies name 'Lionsgate'. The word Lionsgate is hidden behind the iron gates which indicates the importance of the company.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Feedback from original Film Pitch and Amended Film Pitch

This shows our feedback from  fellow AS media students , they've left "WWW's (What Went Well's)" on our Film pitch and "EBI'S (Even Better If's)" for us to construct  improvements   to our film  pitch.

This is part two of the film pitch, the new and improved. From the feedback of our previous film pitch, we saw what our peers liked about our ideas and what they thought we could change to make it better. We took on bored what our peers said and we used there feedback to construct even better ideas to improve our film pitch as a whole. One of our peers advised us to use less difficult props, such as the tent, but this was no problem and we didn't need to change that idea as we already had this prop covered. Also the same feedback about having a more detailed ending came up two or three times so we added more to the ending so them improvements were made.

This is part one of our film pitch where we used the findings of our questionnaire analysis to help us with our ideas and used the preferences from our target audience to provide something more appealing to them as they had specific features of a horror film that interested them.