Thursday 19 December 2013

Questionaire analysis

From this questionaire me and my group had the chance to see which genre our target audience preffered which from our results we can tell the preffered genre is paranormal. So for our horror title we'll involve paranormal features to entertain our target audience in there preferred entertainment. From the second question which asks the preferred theme, the option our questionies preferred was mystery.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

2x Shot lists for 'Silent Hill' title sequence and 'Two Eyes Staring' title sequence

Heres a screenshot of the 'Silent Hill' titles.
Below are two shot lists which me and my group member created during our research into the Horror Genre. I worked on the Horror film title 'Silent Hill' . I thoroughly analysed every shot throughout the horror film title and included what was shown in each shot, including Mise-en-scene and editing and camera work.

The Slideshare presentation below is Amara's shot list for  'Two Eyes Staring' title sequence.  

Saturday 7 December 2013

Horror Genre research - Timeline of the genre and its history, Iconography of Horror Genre and Certificate ratings

Here is Amara's part of the Horror Genre research, She created a Time line of the genre and its history.

This is my Prezi presentation on the Iconography of Horror
Above is the certificate rating research for horror films which was done by a group participant that left.